Saturday, January 2, 2010

You guys are so WRONG!

Frannie had you all fooled! Sweet girl? HARDLY! Last night she roamed around the house hissing and snarling at all the other cats. Who does she think she is??? She pushes me out of my bed and then acts like she owns the place. We're trying to figure out where we can get some happy pills because she most definitely needs them shoved down her throat! She's still not eating. The most she does is lick the gravy off the food.

At least when I wasn't eating...I was still a sweetie pie! Mommy says Torti's are known for being sass-pots and she's worried we've got a real doozie on our hands. YIKES!


1 comment:

  1. Oh Know Kinzi - that is not a good thing for Frannie to be doing now - what's up with her - take her out of the shelter, get her teeth a fixed up, give her a nice warm house and someone else's bed and all she can do is be SASSY!!!! Kinzi, you have always been a sweetie pie even when you were surely feeling bad cuz you knew that everyone loved you. Looks like someone is going to have to have a talk with Ms. Sassy Pants. Hope Mom can find that someone really soon before she gets herself brought back to the shelter. Uh Oh Frannie - you better straighten up or you are in t-r-o-u-b-l-e..

    Take care pretty girl and stay away from the door and out of the draft - it is cold outside.

    Love you

    Sandy/Fluff WAC
