Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I hate Tuesdays, too!

Lots of you have been asking Mommy how much I weigh now. So, Mommy weighed me. Apparently I have GAINED weight! I swear I am not raiding the snack jar when nobody is looking! I'm even jogging when Mommy feeds me-you saw the video evidence! I don't know why I'm gaining...it's so depressing.

Mommy says maybe I've hit a plateau, so she's cutting my calories. I am NOT happy about this! This is all your fault...all you people who keep asking how much I weigh. It's RUDE to ask a lady how much she weighs. Shame on you!

I'm so upset that I pooped on my blankie today...and when I heard Mommy turn on the shower for my bath, I ran (more exercise!) and hid under her bed. That will teach her to give me a smaller dinner. If she wants me to have a bath...she'll just have to crawl under the bed and drag me out!


1 comment:

  1. Oh Kinzi - Don't worry - it is winter out you will do better soon.

    Hugs to you Pretty Girl

    Sandy/Fluff WAC
