Sunday, January 3, 2010

See how mean she is!

See how mean Frannie is!!! She kicked me out of my own bed and I am so scared of her I'm hiding under the dresser. (Plus, the Colts are losing another game today so I think I'm just going to stay under here for a while...)

She's getting what she deserves, tho...I heard she went to the vet and got two pokes in the butt plus had pills crammed down her throat....and the rumor is that if she doesn't eat by tomorrow night...then she has to have a feeding tube put in. How gross is that? For the love of God, woman...EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As much as you are a terrible roommate, I don't want you to have to do that...or poor Mommy to be grossed out by having to shove food into it.

Plus she's being offered the super yummy high calorie food that I had when I wasn't eating at first. She should enjoy that stuff while it lasts, cuz as soon as you're healthy, Mommy starts counting calories and the party is over, let me tell you.


1 comment:

  1. Awww Poor Kinzi
    Awww Poor Frannie

    Kinzi, I am sorry you have to hide under the dresser but just think how much weight you have lost and now are able to get under there. I bet a few months ago pretty girl you couldn't do that. I sure hope that Frannie calms down, starts being nice again and starts to eat so she doesn't have to get a feeding tube. She won't like that at all but she has to eat. Maybe you can send some kitty ESP to her and tell her she better straighten up and eat or else!!!. You are such a good girl for being so understanding of Frannie and being such a good room mate. I will keep you and Frannie in my prayers and hope to hear some good news soon.

    Love and hugs

    Sandy/Fluff WAC

    PS: I hope the Colts won for your Mom - I didn't hear if they did or not.
