Friday, January 29, 2010

Who's here? ... Miss Fancy Pants?

Oh...excuuuuuuuuuuse me...her name is Miss Jillian A. Purrbottom. I don't know anything about her personality, but she's little, skinny,and I must hate her until I know she's not after my Herbie. I already hate her because Mommy's been talking about her for months! Apparently I'm not "the special one" anymore. Hmmph! Well...maybe I am...cuz I do have the best bowl collection of any kitty in the world...and I get yummy canned food while everyone else has to eat dry. Miss Fancy Pants Purrbottom will be eating dry in the basement, just like everyone else. I just hope she and Herbie don't fall in love over a bowl of hairball formula food. Why can't Mommy stop bringing home cute little girls???

What's the number to the pound? I'm just going to call there myself and order up a big sexy boy kitty! Someone told Mommy that they'd deliver! I'll have to disguise my voice to sound like Mommy...that may be a tad difficult to pull off. Anyone got any ideas? I know the girls from the shelter read my blog...and you know where we live...can't you just drop my man off for me when Mommy's not looking?? That hunk, Loki, looks like a bigger Herbie. I bet Mommy wouldn't even notice!



  1. Kinzi I'll be looking for a dog soon. I'll keep my eye out for a handsome fella for you. She can't say no if he's already been pulled right? I'll be sure to bring a veggie pizza or veggie lo mein. I've seen her work. How's that scale been treating you anyway?

  2. Kinzi!
    I just pulled your address from my Christmas card list. Just say the word and I can drop Loki off tomorrow;)Pass him off as Herbie if you can... Good luck.
    Love Mary 2

  3. IDK Mary, Athena was directly above Loki at the pound, they might have something going on if you know what I mean ;)


  4. Oh Pretty Kinzi, I tried to talk your Mommy in to taking a boy cat home instead of a girl but when I wasn't there the other night she came back and grabbed up Athena. I will surely tell her that Loki needs a home to live in and maybe next time she will bring Loki home. I really don't think you have much to worry about though because you will always be the prettiest girl kitty and Herbie just plays around and will come back to you.
    Love and hugs
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
