Sunday, January 17, 2010

So long, Kurt...

Well, the Cardinals lost yesterday. It was a disaster, not even counting the panic attack Mommy almost had when Kurt was injured. Now we have to hope and pray that Kurt doesn't retire this year. With the emotional wreck the last few weeks have been around here, I'm concerned Mommy would have to go to grief counselling if she knew Kurt wasn't coming back for another season. Kurt, Mommy says she doesn't have time to figure out who the 2nd sexiest QB in the NFL is that could possibly replace you as #1 if you DON'T!!!!!!!

On the up side...the Colts won, so at least that put a positive spin on the evening.

And Winston...the only cleaning that got done around here was my 7am today! What the heck is up with that??? Mommy got out of bed and the first thing she did was throw me in the tub. She caught me totally off guard. I'm going to have to start sleeping with one eye open. Sheesh!!!



  1. Told ya Kinz, I think it is left over stress from Saturday.....keep your eyes open at all times ---- I bet that new minivan is especially nice for a beagle mobile -- if you are running short on beagles up there I bet I could sneak up and help out on that end for a while. It is borng down here. I can't wait for nice weather so I can go back outside.

    On a positive note though - at least the Cardinals won't be against the Colts in the Super Bowl - what would your Mommy have done then????? Think about it.

    Take care and keep your bum clean!


  2. Winston...the Colts against the Cardinals would have been GREAT for Mommy...then she'd be happy no matter who won! As for you coming here to ride in the new van...I know you don't like let's just stay penpals. Kinzi

  3. Hi Kinzi

    Wow, what a rough week your Mom has had. One thing after another. She caught you bright and early this morning. You know what, I had to take my sister's big kitty Gitche to the shelter early this morning to get help washing his bum and clipping all his long bum and back leg hair off with all the poo. He had a bad squirty poop attack yesterday two times and we couldn't wash it off his long hair - it was GROSS!!! and STINKY!!. Our friend Mary helped clean him up and cut his hair and poor Gitche was humiliated. He sure knows what you go through.
    Have a good week pretty girl
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  4. Oh my sounds like I need to start a support group for cats who have to have too many baths!
