Monday, October 26, 2009

Someone has been a baaaad kitty!

And this time, it's not ME! There's a foster cat here named Louie...I believe many of you know him as Louie Armstrong from when he was at the Wyandotte pound. Well...apparently he likes to sneak outside like a dog. Mommy even had to lock the doggy door so NOBODY gets to benefit from it anymore because Louie figured out how to get out. Last night, around 3am...the dogs were up for a potty break. Mommy was holding the door open so they could get out and Louie flew past her. She reached for him as fast as she could, leaned too far, fell, crashed into the gate, and screwed up her shoulder. I heard her say something about having to go to the doctor who did her shoulder surgery a few years ago to see how bad it is. That doesn't sound too good!

The funny part of this story is that Louie is pretty much soaking wet all the time because Mommy squirts him with water if he even looks at the back door. tee hee

Mommy says she's not pulling anymore brown and white tabby cats because the last cat she had that looked like Louie was also one that tried to get outside all the time. She should just keep pulling wonderful black and white cats like me and my sweetie, Herbie! I can't fit through the doggy door...and Herbie is so glued to Mommy's lap that I know he'll never run away. Mommy says he's a Velcro-Kitty.



  1. Uh Oh Kinzi - please get a word to Louie Armstrong that he better stop doing that or else he is going to end up back at the shelter in a cage. Tell him everyone loves him there but it is best to be good and nice to Mommies like yours and stay warm and comfy in a nice home and not a cage at the shelter or running around outside. I sure hope your Mommy feels better with her shoulder. I am sorry she got hurt trying to catch Louie. Please give your Mommy and special cuddle hug from all of us at WAC. So, about Herbie, have you had any more encounters with your sweet boy? Have you gotten to share some couch space with him lately and a snuggle? Well Kinzi - be good and I love hearing from you. Have a great week

    Your friend

  2. Oh no! Please tell your mommy that we hope she gets better and when you set up a tummy tuck fund, We'll donate;)
