Saturday, October 31, 2009

What the #%&*@!*&^#(%&)!!??

Just when I thought it was safe to get out of bed on Halloween...Mommy does this to me. She found a clearance rack at another store...and while a suggestion had been made that I should dress up like a Princess....Mommy says that being a Queen is more fitting...I just didn't think Queen BEE was really what was intended. If I was really queen for a day...this kind of foolishness would NOT BE HAPPENING!
Where's my dang gummy rats? *sigh*
Queen Kinzi

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A big thank you...

To all of the people who bought up all the cat sized pumpkin costumes from the pet store so there wouldn't be one left for Mommy to buy. How could my beloved Herbie ever have any respect for me if I'm dressed up like a dork?!?!? I just hope Mommy doesn't come up with any other bright ideas before Saturday. At least I know I won't be hauled out to the front porch for the ritual of passing out candy. Mommy doesn't give out candy. Oh don't get me wrong...she BUYS Halloween just never makes it out the front door and into the baskets of little trick or treaters. She says candy is for grown ups...just like wine. I had put in a request for gummy rats and Swedish fish, but Mommy says they aren't really rats or fish and that I can't have any or they'll ruin my teeth. WHATEVER!

The fact that she doesn't pass out candy may also have something to do with the sign on the front door that says "Pets welcome, children must be kept on a leash..."

P.S...Mommy's shoulder isn't totally's just a strained tendon. She's doped up on steroids for the weekend and the entire house reaks like menthol rub. I'm glad it's nothing serious...I was worried about how she'd be able to open my cans of food or carry me up and down stairs if her arm wasn't working.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Someone has been a baaaad kitty!

And this time, it's not ME! There's a foster cat here named Louie...I believe many of you know him as Louie Armstrong from when he was at the Wyandotte pound. Well...apparently he likes to sneak outside like a dog. Mommy even had to lock the doggy door so NOBODY gets to benefit from it anymore because Louie figured out how to get out. Last night, around 3am...the dogs were up for a potty break. Mommy was holding the door open so they could get out and Louie flew past her. She reached for him as fast as she could, leaned too far, fell, crashed into the gate, and screwed up her shoulder. I heard her say something about having to go to the doctor who did her shoulder surgery a few years ago to see how bad it is. That doesn't sound too good!

The funny part of this story is that Louie is pretty much soaking wet all the time because Mommy squirts him with water if he even looks at the back door. tee hee

Mommy says she's not pulling anymore brown and white tabby cats because the last cat she had that looked like Louie was also one that tried to get outside all the time. She should just keep pulling wonderful black and white cats like me and my sweetie, Herbie! I can't fit through the doggy door...and Herbie is so glued to Mommy's lap that I know he'll never run away. Mommy says he's a Velcro-Kitty.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another lazy Sunday...

Well, it was a lazy Sunday for me...since all I do is lay around anyway. Mommy worked her butt off outside. She had to winterize the pond, whatever that means. I feel sorry for those fishies who have to spend all winter out there instead of in the house on a warm, toasty, blankie...although I guess fish wouldn't really have much use for a warm blankie, would they?

Cooper went home. He is blind, so he spent alot of time bumping into me over the weekend cuz he couldn't see me. I was nice to him tho, and even shared my dinner with him tonight before he went home. Guess he likes turkey, too! Mommy didn't take any good pictures of him so I'll post an older one of's Mom's favorite picture of him from when she fostered him. It's actually the picture that was printed in the News Herald and how his new Mommy found him! The News Herald sure is great about spreading the word for homeless animals, aren't they!?

There weren't any good football games today, so we all watched some movies instead.

Have a good week, everybody!


Friday, October 23, 2009

It's the weekend!

I learned a new trick this week! I learned that when all the food is on the other side of my bowl and I can't reach it...I can stick my paw in it and then lick the food off my paw like a foot lollipop. Mommy's been yelling at me...saying stuff like "Do you know where that foot has been???" but I just say "ummm ya...right here on the end of my leg...where it should be!" Mommy is so crazy sometimes. I mean seriously...where is my foot going to go?

I saw Alvin the bunny attack one of the beagles today for going into his pen. Funny stuff! The dog yelped and took off running! I should video tape that and then sell it to the National Enquirer or something. The beagles around here should hide in shame that a bunny can rough them up like that. I guess that 2 years ago Mommy submitted a photo of one of the beagles using a foster rabbit for a pillow and it got published in a book! How embarrassing. A cat would never allow something like that to happen.

Oh...and I hear that Cooper, the little blind dog that lived here before he was adopted, is coming to visit us tomorrow. Maybe I can get a good picture of him to share with you. He's a silly little doggy.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I see how it is...

You all claim to be my adoring fans...but when I ask for a few bucks so I can get a tummy tuck, everyone looks the other way. that way! Bikini season is a long way off, anyway...I can do it on my own in plenty of time. I've figured out a way to make money by myself! I'm going to collect the little tumbleweeds of bunny fur that roll out of Alvin and Lehana's pen and make Christmas ornaments out of them. Now I KNOW all of you will be placing your orders for those!!! I may have to get Jessica to quit doing clay and come over here to help me roll up furballs if the demand is too much for me to keep up.

As for the new dog, Kippie...she's going through the same kind of abuse, er, I mean TLC that I did when I first got here. Mom's been digging in her ear and pulling out buckets of brown goo, and shoving pills down her throat, putting drops in the bad ear, and scolding her alot for chewing on herself. I thought I was safe and the focus was off me...but no such luck. Mom already worked me over with a baby wipe earlier cuz I went potty and made a little mess. I think maybe Mommy has eyes on the back of her head...cuz I can't figure out how she knows what I'm doing when she has a new dog to keep track of. Maybe these bunnies are telling on me. If they keep that up, forget the tumbleweeds...I'll just go in their pen and pluck the furballs right off of them! That will teach them to rat me out! Gosh...I hope nobody from the bunny rescue is reading my blog....


Monday, October 19, 2009

So far, so good!

The new foster beagle has arrived. So far she hasn't tried to steal my dinner. She did come into my luxury kitty condo and check things out...but I whacked her across the snout to let her know who's boss around here and that seems to have done the trick. She seems like a very nice dog. I heard Mommy say that she's going to need surgery to remove some tumors. You can see the big one on her right shoulder in the's big like a softball. I'm so lucky I don't have THAT problem...although I could use a tummy tuck! So everyone make donations to my fund so I can get a little thigh reduction over the weekend!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

This is a full color blog, not just black and white

Mommy says she's noticed that I only feature black and white animals on my blog...Herbie, Alvin the bunny, and most recently, Pirate...we're all the same color! She wants me to show someone who's not black and white. Cats do come in all sorts of it won't be too hard to do.

Mom requested that I introduce a friend of hers as my first non-black and white kitty. (It was before my time so I've never met him.) He stayed here for a while before going to another foster home. His name is Denver. Mommy was head over heels in love with him because he was so snuggly and cute. Rumor has it that the other cats here hid from him because the cats here are older and don't like to play rough. Denver likes to chase and wrestle when he is playing so he needs kitty friends who also like to play like that. Mommy was sad to see him go...but there was a standing ovation from the other cats here when he left. So if you know anyone who needs a super playful cat, tell them about Denver! He's even got extra toes on his feet which is supposed to bring good luck. It hasn't been good luck for Denver so far...he still doesn't have a forever family! You can see him on Petfinder:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

WHEW...I made it back from the vet in one piece...

I'm so traumatized!! There were needles...and fingers stuck up places where fingers don't was humiliating. As if all that isn't bad enough, there are 2 long hair white cats at St. Julian's that need a new home. Their names are Cookies and Toe Jam. I heard someone say cookies so I got up and walked quite a ways to see if I could find the cookies...only to discover it's a white cat...and not only did he not actually HAVE any cookies to give to me...he hissed at me. (how rude!) Later on when Dr. Dickie tried to give me a real cookie, I was so upset I couldn't even eat it!

Dr. Dickie says my left knee is still a little swollen..and that one of my anal glands was super full so maybe that explains my potty problems. The Prednisone is still being kept at the higher amount for 10 days. I was able to get my rabies vaccine tho...which is great. I've been really worried about rabid squirrels breaking into the house and attacking me! (HEY!~it could happen! Don't you laugh at me...)

I was so happy to get out of there!!!!!! But then Mommy didn't go straight home...she went to a pet store to buy me more cat food. (I'm OK with that!) Then we made another stop at the Wyandotte Shelter. Some of the ladies came out to the car to visit me...that was nice! Mommy went in to visit a dog that I think is going to come live with us soon. She's got a tumor and a horrible rash on her rump and nobody wants to adopt her. Mommy will bring her here and get her all fixed up, just like me!! I tried to voice a complaint because the dog is a I'm going to have to really make sure my food doesn't get stolen. Thank goodness Daddy built me the doggy proof pen in the basement.

I'm happy to be home now. A lovely Saturday at home with Mommy and all my friends around me. If Mommy really loves me, she'll turn on the space heater so I can have a good, toasty nap.


Friday, October 16, 2009


Happy Friday, everyone! Hurray to all of you who are happy the weekend is here. As for me...the weekend means trips to the vet so I've got nothing to be happy about. Well, I'm usually happy that Mommy is home alot on the weekends so I get alot more time out of my pen to roll around on the floor...but I just don't want to go to the vet!
Hey, see this picture? This is another kitty that just got rescued from the Wyandotte Shelter. Her foster mom named her Pirate. (Based on her picture, it looks like she's not a big fan of the vet, either!) She was brought to the shelter by her owners who didn't want her anymore. She had a horrible eye infection and they didn't want to deal with it. I hear through the grapevine that the odor from the infection was NASTY! Anyway...the fabulous folks at the Wyandotte Shelter took her right to the vet and had the eye removed. That's right...I said removed! They got rid of all the infection and because it's black over that eye, you can hardly even tell. The wound has healed perfectly and now this little kitten is ready to LOOK to the future. She'll be waiting to SEE her forever family coming to get her! You can read more about her and see more pictures on her Petfinder listing:
I hope to write to you tomorrow...if I survive the trip to the vet.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

DRAT...I'm in trouble again!

Mommy talked to Dr. Dickie and ratted me out again. I've not been walking much lately, had some potty accidents, and haven't been finishing my meals. Now my medication is increased and I think I have to go to the vet on Saturday! Seriously!? Things were going so well! No gross things shoved down my throat (or UP somewhere else)...and now I have to ruin my Saturday morning by getting dragged to the vet.

Mommy watches this movie called PS I Love You EVERY time it's on. She's watched it twice in the last week and it's on again right now!! My only hope for getting out of going to the vet is maybe it's on TV Saturday morning. I'll have to figure out how to get the remote, turn it to that channel...and get her so engrossed in watching that dreamy Gerard Butler that she totally forgets to stuff me in the car and go to the vet. Wish me luck!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear Winston...

As you suspected...things got a little crazy here the other night when Peyton and Dallas were doing their thing! Mommy even forced me to take this picture with all this junk. Not a single thing in this pile is edible or made of catnip. And don't think for a minute that Mommy wasn't thinking about cramming my head into that helmet...I could hear the wheels in her head turning! Thank goodness she decided against it. I'd like to have seen her explaining that mess to the people at the emergency vet who would have had to break out the jaws of life to get it off of me. I did notice it has a big orange warning label on it. I can't read very well, but I'm pretty sure it says on there NOT to put this helmet on your cat! (...although perhaps it would have come in handy back when I wasn't walking and I kept rolling out of bed and crashing into the dog).
Is it this bad at your house, too???


Monday, October 12, 2009

Here's a movie of me walking...sort of...

As you can see, I don't get around too well. I don't walk any further than I have to...and really only get up if food is involved or I have to go potty. I have a very long way to go before I'm going to be well enough to be adopted by a new family. (...and of course, the pesky beagle had to make a cameo appearance in my movie!)


Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's cleaning day!

Apparently Mommy woke up today with the urge to clean. She's been in the bedroom moving furniture, going through the closet, throwing out old shoes and vacuuming everything. She said there was enough fur under the bed to equal 10 cats! I went under the bed once and I didn't see anybody under there.

Anyway...I'm going back to my favorite spot behind the big chair in the living room. I can get a nap in before the football game starts.

That's about it for excitement around here...other than one of the other foster cats, Binky, is being adopted today. Mom says it's killing her because he's being extra snuggly. I know she'll miss him...but he's getting a good home and with him's more lap time for ME!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My 15 minutes of fame have come and gone!

As many of you are aware, there was a HUGE article about me in yesterdays News Herald. Here's the link if anyone missed it:

Mommy says she wishes she had $1 for every time someone has asked her what's wrong with her leg. I wish she had the money, too...cuz I could get more toys!

Today I got a special gift. Mommy had ordered a special litterbox for me that's made for dogs. It's really big and has low sides so I can get in and out easily. I just broke it in and of course, Mommy was right there with the camera! I begged and pleaded with her and she agreed to not post the picture on the blog when I'm not looking. It's bad enough that pictures of me getting a bath are plastered all over the internet...I don't think the world really needs to see me going potty.

I gotta go...there's a pesky beagle making a nesty bed with my blankie! I need a Brink's home alarm system on my pen!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I've been sculpted like a Greek Goddess!!!

Mommy's friend, Jessica, makes polymer clay figures. Look at this one she made of me. It looks just like me! She even turned my left paw inwards...something I like to do. Jessica is from Taylor, Michigan. She makes alot of different animals and figures and sells them in a few stores. She does custom orders, so anyone who would like a figure of their own pet can contact her. Depending on what you want, the figures usually start around $15. What a bargain! Mommy has bought tons of them over the years. She can do just about anything...her giraffes are Mommy's favorite. She can do dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, dragons...ANYTHING!

Jessica posts alot of her figures on eBay. Her seller ID is ClayKeepsakes. Her email address is Just tell her Kinzi sent you!


Monday, October 5, 2009

I'll get by with a little help from my friends...(but not the dog, apparently!)

So here I am...trying to make friends...and this is the reaction I get! What's the world coming to???


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's a Scarecrow Festival!!!

Come visit the Shelter to Home booth at the Scarecrow Festival in Trenton!
We will have animals there that are available for adoption. I know the weather is not supposed to be so great, but please come visit us and snuggle some of the cats! It's in downtown Trenton. There are some events Friday evening, but the cats won't be there. The vendors (and animals) will be there Saturday from 10-6 and Sunday from 11-5.
The proceeds from the festival benefit local charities, including Shelter to Home. There are alot of great vendors there so you could get a head start on your Christmas shopping!
Two of mom's favorite vendors will be there! Soy Creations candles. Mom claims they are the best smelling soy candles she's ever used! is the company website. The other vendor is Gertie Gear...a local company that makes pet beds from big tubes of air! You'll never have to buy another pet bed again because there's no foam in it to go flat over time. Check them out!
Mommy isn't going to take me because the weather is supposed to be so I'm bummed I won't get to meet anybody...but she's taking my Sweetie, Herbie there, for sure!
Please go to the event and support Shelter to Home!