Friday, December 4, 2009

Welcome to the Cat Cave!

Things are going great now that I live upstairs. Look at this nice, soft carpet I get to lay on all day. Soooooooooo much better than the basement floor!'s nice and warm...and soft...and the sun shines in the 2 windows in my room...and I have a nice new roommate (that I'll introduce you to later) is good, right?


There is a MONSTER living on this floor of the house!! I'm not kidding! It's yellow...and sooooooooooo loud...and it sucks up everything in it's path! I moved my bootie as fast as I could to hide under Mommy's bed because the monster doesn't go under there...but I was so worried because I forgot to bring my prized possessions, my catnip toys. I just know the big yellow monster is going to suck them up! I see Mommy beating the monster sometimes...she rips it's stomach out and empties it in the trash...but then, instead of killing the monster, she puts it back together and lets it go on eating up everything in it's path! How could Mommy be friends with such a beast? I just don't understand... What if it sucks up my darling Herbie?!? He's kind of small...I'm worried for his safety!



  1. Hi Kinzi - you sure look cute laying their on the soft warm carpet. I am happy you are doing so well. My cats are afraid of a big blue monster that sucks up stuff in our house but don't worry, Mommy will not suck you or Herbie up in it and everything will be good. I hope things continue to go well with you and Herbie.
    Love you pretty girl
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. So wait a minute... You have a monster in your house too? Is this some sort of invasion from outer space or something??? Why isn't anyone doing anything about it? All the cats, and even one of the dogs, run like the dickens when the monster shows up. I think we need to unite...and stand up against the monster, and tell it to go away! go first...and let me know how that works out for you...then we might try it over here.
