Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Autumn, that cute little number that I thought was hitting on my Darling Herbie, has a date tomorrow with a family who might adopt her! She's sweet...but I don't need the competition...let's just move her cute little behind right on outta here...

Then Mommy can go kitty shopping and bring us home a new friend! There's all these cats listed on Petfinder...we never know which one Mommy is going to come home with. Will it be the fat one, the sick one, the cute one, the old one...the one that's been there the longest...the one that's missing a tail??? The suspense is killing me!


P.S....hold your applause...but I haven't pooped myself since yesterday. Mommy moved me upstairs to the spare room where it's alot warmer than in the basement...thinking maybe the cold basement is what's giving me trouble. So far, so good...but there's carpet everywhere in my new room so I know I'm going to get in big trouble if I mess it up in there. Getting thrown in the washing machine will be the least of my problems! ...anyone got the number for Stanley Steamer in case I need it???


  1. I hope all goes well for Autumn!!!
    Hmmm, decisions!! Frannie has a cold right now so that probably won't be a good choice...Patsy is well, Patsy! There the fat boys, Holden and Hamish-they are much friendlier than before. Stella, the longest resident at Wyandotte, is my personal fave-still a sweetie after being there for a LONG time!
    Whoever you pick, we can't thank you enough :)


  2. Hi Sweetie Pie Kinzie - Good news for Autumn - I will be looking for some news after her date. I am happy that you have moved upstairs and I am proud of the progress you have made. Keep up the good work pretty girl. As far as our orphans at the shelter there are sooo many. We are ever grateful for your Mamma and Shelter to Home and all they do for the WAC. Don't worry Kinzi, I think you will be okay and won't need Stanley Steamer any time soon.
    Love and hugs
    Your friend
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
