Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dear Winston...

Mommy got the package that your mommy sent to her. I think maybe she thought there was a million dollars in there cuz of the way she tore into it like there was no tomorrow. Good Lord...I don't even get that excited over a new catnip toy. Anyway...she LOVES the calendar and can't wait to bore us all to death with Colt's Trivia. We already celebrate Peyton's birthday...I wonder what other days will become holidays around here after she opens it and starts reading.

Mommy is still looking in the bottom of the package because she was certain that you were going to send her Dallas Clark (pictured above for those of you who aren't Colts fans). I've heard of a Jack in the Box...but not a Dallas in the Box. She does agree that the team needs him until after the Super Bowl, tho... but still...I catch her looking in there from time to time. She's so pathetic. You should have heard her screaming last week when he caught that TD pass with one hand. That made her even happier than when Tom Brady went home crying! Daddy doesn't even care...he's just happy he married a girl who loves to watch football. I'm happy that Mommy married a guy who knows how to build beagle proof kitty pens!

Tomorrow is the big day...when I'm inviting Herbie over for dinner! I hope your mommy and daddy let you have some good food tomorrow.

Thanks again for sending Mommy a present!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Kinzi,

    I would have sent kitty treats too but we don't have any cats here since my bio said I didn't like cats. I could send you Molly's treats. I bet beagle treats taste way better that kitty treats any day.

    You will be a nice Colts kitty by this time next year - you will know so much stuff.

    Tomorrow is the best day of the year - just sit under the table and wait for things to fall from the sky.


