Friday, April 30, 2010

You don't know me very well...

Mary...let me tell you the facts...(as relayed to me by Mommy). While it is a well known fact that I am quite beautiful, Mommy says that I also have a tendency to be quite stinky. When I'm having a bad day...Mommy knows I've entered the room and am laying at her feet before she even looks down. I guess that's pretty bad, huh?

Mommy says on some show called Friends that there was a song called Smelly Cat. She thinks they were singing that about me! I think I'm offended by that!!!!!! There are probably other songs out there about "Fat Bottom Girls"..."Baby got Back"...and who knows how many others.

I really need to work on the stinky thing. Mommy promised me a brand new bed as soon as I stop being stinky...that's great motivation cuz right now I'm stuck sleeping on an old, cruddy dog bed. I'm a Princess! I deserve better!!!



  1. Awww Gee Kinzi, now why did your Mommy have to go and say that about the song smelly cat reminding her of you. Don't worry, I am sure you try really hard and some day pretty girl, you will have it down and won't be a smelly cat but a beautiful kitty smelling just like a baby. Then you can get your new frilly bed for a princess that you are.
    Have a good weekend
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. Oh. My. Goodness! You are being forced to sleep on a DOG Bed?!?!?! Shall I call The ASPCA? Thats abuse if I've ever heard it! ;)
