Monday, April 12, 2010

Woo Hoo....I'm rich!

Ok...I'm not THAT rich...but apparently somewhere out there I have a friend named Ramona and she sent me money! It's always nice to get money, but it's even nicer when you get it from friends you've never even met! Thank you, Ramona!!!



PS...Ramona, Mommy brings home nice boys all the time...but you know how men are...not all of them appreciate big boned girls like me. Someday I will find the man of my dreams, heck... he may even be a human or a dog! I don't long as he loves me for who I am!


  1. Oh Kinzi, you have so many friends and this makes me happy. That was very nice of Ramona to send you money. I hope you will get a new toy out of it. I am still holding out for Dimitri but you have to send your Mom back to the shelter soon to see him. Someone from STH was looking at him tonight also. Have a great day pretty girl.
    Love and Hugs
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. Kinzi,

    You have some great friends:) I wish all of our cats could be as lucky as you with such loving moms and dads. Have a great day:)

  3. You are quite welcome, Kinzi. My mom is sad because she is only allowed to share our home with two pets. So me and my new friend Molly have to endure lots of hugs and kisses. It sure would be nice to share them with a few other friends. My mom thought sending you a few bucks would be a nice way to send you some virtual hugs.

    By the way, my four human sisters have been wearing t-shirts lately that say "Friends are forever, boys are whatever." I am not sure the 6 year olds know what that really means, but it is something to keep in mind until you find Mr. Right.

