Sunday, April 11, 2010

What? Island? I don't see any water....

Mommy claims this thing is called an island. She bought it just for me, so I'm not about to argue with her. She got it from some guy named Craig who apparently has a list. Mommy has all sorts of lists...they're on the fridge, stuck to the wall, in her I don't see what makes this Craig guy so special. Anyway...that lovely green basket that says "love" on you know what's in there??? My bowl collection! I have so many that Mommy said she was losing her mind because the dish drainer was never now all my bowls live in the basket and everyone's medications live in the drawer. I've never seen anyone so excited over something called "counter space" in my life...sheesh! for the fuzzy orange guy on the lower shelf...that's Elliott. He's not a foster cat, even tho there are days Mommy would gladly give him to anyone who'd take him! He hates to be held or brushed and he's the reason Mommy boycotts all long hair cats!



  1. Tell your mom that her island is adorable:) Also, That kitty is really cute too!
    Wait til you see what good an island can do for you, Kinzi. With more counter space, your mom can now put more food out for you;)

  2. Hi Kinzi, I love the island - very nice and makes extra room on the counter. Elliott, looks pretty nice. Okay, now I know why your Mom told me no long haired cats. They can be a pain if they don't let you brush them and most of them don't like being brushed.
    Have a good day pretty girl.
    Your friend
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
