Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mommy had a fun day!

Mommy's friend, Linda, just bought this car. Mommy has had an unnatural obsession with Dodge Chargers since they first came out..and white is her favorite color. Today they went out for lunch and Linda let Mommy drive! Mommy says this car is the cure for a mid-life crisis but she'll have to live vicariously through Linda since Mommy has to have a vehicle she can cram all us furry kids into and a sports car isn't built for the job. Mommy also says she likes the "no car payment and cheap insurance" option that comes along with her van, too.

Mommy's friend Kim should arrive any minute so I better go and make sure I'm looking my cutest when she walks in the door. I'm gonna have to compete with those darn beagles to get any lovies.



  1. Aww, Kinzi, You're always at your cutest:)
    Hope your mom has a great weekend with her friend. We miss her at the shelter...

  2. Wooo Hooo - Love that car! Wondered about getting one - how sweet is it? Kinzi - enjoy the quiet while the beagles are loving on Kim!
