Saturday, February 13, 2010

Oh boy!

Sounds like there are alot of boy kitties for me to shop from! Too bad Mommy can't take me to the pound and let me shop myself.

Gadget was adopted last night by the same family that took Penelope a couple of weeks ago. They said she's lonely...which is fine, but did they have to take one of MY boyfriends for her??? Sheesh! I'm sure he'll be very happy there, though. They do not have any pesky beagles who try to steal your dinner and slobber on your catnip toys.

I will keep you up to date, as always...on whatever new man Mommy brings home for me.

Happy Adoption Weekend to everyone!!!!!!!!




  1. Hi Kinzi
    Good news for Gadget. I was looking for your Mommy today at the WAC. I thought she might come and take one of the boys home for you. Loki is doing pretty good but he sure would love to have a home and a pretty girlfriend named Kinzi. Also there are the two big boy brothers Hamish and Holden who would like to stay together. They would fit in good with you Kinzi. We will have to tell Mommy to bring you by and pick out a new friend.
    Love you
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. Kinzi,
    I saw Mommy today at the pound. She was scouting out new BF's for you...
    I thought you would like Merlin but your mommy says he's a bit of a "rolling stone" and might escape out the doggie door since he used to be able to at his former home...
    Anyways, I'm keeping my eye out for you ;)

