Friday, February 5, 2010

Let the crazy begin!

Mommy told me I had to get ready for the big game. I'd rather just hang out with the Peyton Manning bobblehead than to have to wear this thing. Sheesh!

Mommy went to the pound tonight. I was hoping she'd come home with Loki...but she didn't. I hear she's got a crush on a beagle there named Roger. She got in trouble when she came home...the beagles were sniffin' her up and down cuz they knew she'd been cheating on them with another beagle. She also got in trouble at the pound because Alyssa is rooting for "the other team" on Sunday. Alyssa, Mommy wants you to know that she doesn't have anything against your team. It's not like when the Colts play against that putz, Tom Brady...

I gotta Mommy is trying to tie this scarf around the dogs for silly pictures and I've got to see it!



  1. i love kinzi, but herbie's my favorite! i'll bet he's a saints fan too. ;)

  2. Kinzi, you look so cute wrapped up like that. Yep, I saw you Mom at the shelter tonight and wondered who she was taking home and then she left without anyone. Kinzi, you should see, there is a kitty down there right now that could be your brother or sister - not sure if it is a boy or girl, but it looks just like you. Mom was looking at it for a minute. Maybe she will come back and bring Loki home soon. I will encourage her.
    Have a good night
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  3. Ooh Kinzi! Run for cover! hide until the superbowl is over. But try to sneak a peek at the commercials. That's all most normal people watch foot ball for;)

  4. Kinzi great gear! We don't have anything like that here - wonder why???? I hear there are great treats during the superbowl parties. I can't wait. I just need to cover my ears because I think there may be some unbeagle like words being said.

    I would love to see a new beagle come into your home - Beagles Rule you know.


