Saturday, September 26, 2009

Home sweet home!

Well, here it is! My new dog-free luxury kitty condo. I hate it. I want to be back upstairs with everyone else...enjoying the fresh air from the open windows...not down here! As you can see, the wall is kind of high so hopefully the dogs won't manage to get in here. Wouldn't put it past them to push the chair from the computer desk over here and use it to climb in...but we'll see if they're smart enough to figure that out.

I have 2 bunny neighbors. They're quiet, but I don't think the boy bunny is too thrilled that someone moved into his area. There's a tiny door where the bunnies can come and go from my area. (I'm hoping Herbie figures out he'll fit through it, too!) They usually have free run of the house except after they've been fed because, as you've probably guessed, the beagles steal their food, too! The bunnies and I are trying to get a petition started to just get rid of the dogs cuz then none of us would have to ever be locked up.

There's more big news today! I actually got up and walked to my litterbox and used it! Mommy and Daddy were watching TV in the living room and when I got up and headed towards it, Mommy got all excited and was making funny noises. All I did was pee for crying out loud...didn't think it was such a big deal. I'm just trying to prove to Mommy that I don't have to live in the basement. I want to be a good girl so I can keep playing upstairs...and not have to get so many baths!
I gotta go have supper now.


  1. Well Kinzi, don't feel too bad I am sure your Mommy will let you go upstairs for a while to visit and watch TV with the rest of the critters. Your new home is very pretty though. YEAH Kinz - you did it - you pee peed in the litter box Woo Hoo! that means you are feeling much better and that makes us all happy. I am sure your Herbie will figure out how to come in and visit his pretty girl. Take care sweetie and continue to improve and before long you will be able to go where you want. In the mean time enjoy your pretty new place and your comfy cushion.
    Your Friend

  2. It's baby steps to your new life!!! Keep taking them!
