Friday, August 27, 2010

This is a joke, right?

So a few weeks ago Mommy went to paint food bowls for me and that pesky beagle, Honey. CLEARLY there has been some sort of a mistake. Was my bowl made out of pottery???...or out of Shrinky-Dink material?? I know this can't be right!!!!!!!!

Mommy says that all the diet books say you should eat your meals off smaller plates so you get the illusion of having a bigger meal than you're really getting. If she thinks that this tiny bowl is going to disguise the fact that she's slowly starving me to death, she's got another thing coming!!!!!!!!!! It may be time for me to place another complaint to the ASPCA...although they never return my calls...



  1. Awwww Kinzi - it is sooo little. It think you are right this time. I know you have to slow down a bit on the eating but goodness Mom, that is awful little for our poor girl. No decorations either!!! What is with that - Honey gets the cute bowl and Kinzi gets the little plain bowl Hmmmm I am with you on this one pretty girl
    Your friend
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. Your bowl looks like an oreo Mcflurry and makes me hungry for one:)
