Sunday, November 21, 2010

I think Santa is gonna skip our house this year.

We just got done watching the Colts lose to that idiot, Tom Brady. With all the things that came out of Mommy's mouth over the last few hours, I'm certain it has moved her to Santa's naughty list with a black check next to it which means to skip the whole house! Daddy is mad because the Colts were just about to score and win the game in the last minute...and Mommy said "it's about time for Peyton to throw an interception"...and then HE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daddy says she jinxed him but Mommy says that she didn't...that he's just THAT predictable.

I say it's a good thing Daddy made a chocolate run at half time when things weren't looking so good...cuz without that sugar buzz for Mommy, who knows what would have happened when they lost.

Mommy says this just adds one more reason to the long list of why she hates Tom Brady. I need to go lay down now and sing some happy songs to myself to try to get all the bad words I heard today out of my mind. ...and Santa...if you're listening...just remember it wasn't ME who was saying any of that stuff...honest! I think it's Peyton Manning's house you need to skip, not ours!



  1. Kinzi, I hear your pain. It wasn't too good here either. Steve said it was totally predictable, whenever Peyton gets greedy, he throws and interception. It was fine gaining little by little but he wanted the game over so it was!

    What's up with the chocolate? I thought Mommy was going to the YMCA? When that happens here nobody gets anything to eat at all let alone chocolate.

    Hope that red present is for me - but it isn't shaped like a bone.


  2. Aww - don't worry Kinzi, Santa knows who is naughty and nice and he will be sure to come and see you this Christmas.
    Love and hugs
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
