Friday, November 19, 2010

Are you doing your Friday happy dance yet?

Anyone have any good weekend plans? Mommy is going to paint pottery tonight. I don't have my hopes up on getting a new bowl cuz I heard she plans to paint Frankie a bird bath. Apparently she doesn't think he should be splashing around in a Pyrex casserole lid forever. She's also going to get her nails done. Have any of you tried the Shellac polish?? Mommy says it's awesome cuz your nails get super hard without thick gel or acrylic junk piled on and it looks great for 2 weeks!!! It dries instantly when they put her hand in a box with a light in it. We all love it because Mommy's nails are super long and they feel sooooooooooooo good when they scratch us. Mommy is happy that she doesn't have to paint her nails at home and then walk around with her hands in the air until they dry hoping that dog or cat hair doesn't get stuck on them before they dry. Madeline at "Perfect Ten" in Southgate is her new best friend cuz she does such a good job on her nails.

Buddy finally came out from under Mommy's bed. He still spends most of his time in there or in bed with Mommy...but we did spot him in the kitchen at 3am so he's getting better. He sure is handsome...but Mommy says she still loves me the bestest! :o)


Please keep your fingers crossed that the Colts do well and nobody else gets injured. Mommy's Indiana informant is teasing her that 2 of the injured guys might play this weekend..but we'll believe it when we see it. know anything???

1 comment:

  1. Well Kinzie, I think you look super sexy in that new Colts blankey. We don't even have one of those here. Just wait until Buddy sees that.

    Hey we don't have those super new nails down here in Indiana. What a great idea. Not gunky like the acrylic and they stay nicer longer!!!! I agree scratches with the long nails rock.

    The rumor mill is we may have Austin Collie back but haven't heard about any other possibilities. Tbey really do need to do good this week against the dreaded Tom Brady and clan, and it is outside to boot! Hope you can see it on tv up there otherwise you will probably just have to hear us yelling.

    Steve is having the guys over for poker party tonight so I need to patrol under the table for the goodies they drop. Talk at your later.

