Thursday, September 2, 2010

What a polite little man!

Now I can handle this! A man who knows how to stay on his side of the sofa! Cooper isn't using me for a pillow and he's not wiping his doggy snots on my behind. Mommy should foster more little dogs cuz clearly they have better manners than those pesky beagles. ...although, I was thinking...Cooper is blind. Perhaps if he could see how beautiful I am, he'd also be hogging my part of the sofa. Hmmm...

Mommy came home last night smelling like Honey. At first I was worried that she'd only been to camp for a few days and was moving back in, but I found out that Mommy had just taken her to the vet to get her stitches out and then she went right back to her new home. about an anxiety attack! Things just calmed down around here! Now we're back to every dog in the house being over 10 years old and calm! Let's keep it that way!



  1. Aww! What kind of dog is Cooper? He looks cute:) Almost as cute as you:)
    Also, I hope you guys werent affected by that storm that blew in. Hoping you're safe.
    Love, Mary2

  2. Kinzi, what a cute little dog that is and I hope things remain calm in your world. You are looking mighty pretty there. Good to see you

    Your friend

    Sandy/Fluff WAC
