Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Drumroll please......

Mommy hauled me into the bathroom today and forced me to get on the scale. I put up a good fight and I think my toenails even tore a hole in the shirt she was wearing. (Sorry, Mommy!) Anyway...after all my kicking and screaming, it turned out to not be so bad! The scale says I'm down to 17.6 pounds! I don't know what Mommy's always screaming about in the mornings. She is always in the bathroom yelling that the #*%Y#$)%^@ scale is a piece of %#&@!!!! Today the scale seemed to be in a very good mood...for a change! Maybe Mommy is just warming up her swearing skills for when football starts.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah Kinzi!!! - You have done such a good job in the last year. That is like almost 10 pounds. I am so proud of you for sticking to the good and healthy food and look how fantastic you look and feel. Love you pretty girl and thank your Mommy for taking such good care of you even through all the trials.

    Sandy/Fluff WAC
