Friday, July 23, 2010

Security Breach!

Kinzi here. Apparently I need to change the password to log into my blog. As if the beagles invading my room and stealing my food and toys isn't bad my own personal website has been broken into. When will it end????

As for being called Sushi Breath...well...the way I look at it, Sushi is very expensive which means if Mommy is feeding it to me, I'm very special and she feels I'm worth it. Honey, on the other hand, has nothing to brag about but Kibble Breath.

As for a new bowl, just about everyone here has a bowl of their own that Mommy made so I suppose Honey can have one. has been a very long time since I got a new one! I overheard Mommy & Daddy talking the other day and it sounds like it will soon be time to dig out the old football themed plate I had to eat off of on weekends last year. I suspect that means it's also about time for Mommy to start swearing at the TV when things don't go so well. Daddy is here now, too...does that mean twice the screaming? Maybe I better hope to get adopted before it gets too crazy around here! I know Mommy is still heartbroken about the fact that Kurt Warner won't be playing this year. I know just how she feels...I still miss my Herbie.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Kinzi! Maybe you can call Herbie and see how he is doing? I hope he's doing well and you can find a new man:)
