Friday, July 23, 2010

Art fair schmart fair!

Hmph! Pottery Creations is closed because they have a booth set up at the Ann Arbor art fair this nobody around here is getting any new fancy bowl anytime soon. DRAT!

By the way...I hope everyone is OK after that ridiculous storm that blew through here. Mommy & Daddy were out and I saw a couple of the dogs piddle on the floor cuz they were so scared. Once again I have to say...I don't think a cat would ever do that! Bad doggies!!!

There's a Petco adoption event tomorrow. Mommy's gonna take some of the cats and try to find them a new home. I hope she does...cuz we need some new faces around here! Casey and Binky spend all day chasing each other around and they don't even notice me! Men!


1 comment:

  1. Well that Stinks! I hope you get a new bowl soon:) Also, I hope STH had a good adoption day so You can meet Starsky, the man of your dreams, living at our pound;)
