Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Woo Hoo...she's outta here!

Penelope, aka Penny-lope, was adopted tonight by a wonderful family in Allen Park. She was lucky enough to find a home with no dogs.

I think I'd like a dog-free home, too. These beagles walk right into and over me like I'm not even here! They're so rude. They break my bowls, trample me, try to steal my food, and they break into my room and ransack everything whenever they can. Recently Mommy got an article in the mail from her friend, Kim, about a family who has a DEER living in their house as a pet. Sure, it's big...but I'm thinking a deer would have better manners than a beagle! And a deer is a it wouldn't always be trying to steal my supper! I want to live with Bambi, not Snoopy!!!!



  1. Oh Kinzi, I am happy for Penelope. I know she has now found her forever loving home. Guess what Kinzi, we have a couple new Beagles at WAC. Maybe Mommmy can replace Penelope with another well behaved Beagle. A deer would be nice but their legs are too skinny and they might get a lot more attention cuz they are really cute. Anyway, have a great night
    Your friend
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. Come on Kinzi - beagles are not bad. We are the most loving, caring breed there is. And we can double as a vaccuum cleaner. Can't get much better than that. Come on down and I'll show you beagle-y traits. The beagles were just trying to help you with your diet. If they eat your food then you don't have to and will loose weight (not that I know anything about that!). I'm sure they were just cleaning up your room when they broke into it. As for running into you I'm sure they just are so happy to see you. Keep up the good work and maybe you will get adopted by some really nice family.

    No more bad posts about beagles or I will have to come up there to help my beagley brothers and sisters!

    Love Winston
