Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

22 followers?!?!? I think I have more followers than Tiger Woods has girlfriends! ;o)

Mommy wanted me to tell everyone that she's fine. She didn't wake up sore today. She had to go to the junkyard to say goodbye to her car. She said the people at the place must have thought she was nuts as she was pulling dog crates, leashes, litter boxes and Shelter to Home brochures out of her trunk. Most people probably don't have litter boxes in their trunk...well...maybe people involved with rescue groups do!

Frannie the kitty is still on her hunger strike. I told Mommy to make some cookies and maybe Frannie would eat those, but I was given a lecture about nutritional value blah blah blah.

There's another new kitty here, Penelope. Mommy got her from the Allen Park pound. She's been here a week now and today was the first day she came out of the laundry room. She's really afraid of the dogs. I'm going to have to show her how to whack 'em on the nose and what big wimps they really are.

I gotta go. Mommy is hogging my computer trying to find a car to buy...so I have to get off. Nighty Night.



  1. Hi Kinzi Pretty Girl

    I am glad your Mom didn't feel sore today. I know what you mean about pulling out the stuff out of the trunk. I also have a litter box, a few collars and leashes and a push cart with wheels to push my 3 kittys or anything elst that needs to be carried. I just took the extra carrier out a few weeks ago. That is just what we do when you work with rescue critters.

    Poor Franny - just what are we going to do with her? I hope she gest better soon and starts eating. Wow, another new kitty - hope she gets to like the doggies and everyone in your household.

    Take care Kinzi and hope Mom finds the best car she could ever find. I'll be praying for that and for one that you are all comfy and cozy in like the broken one.

    Hugs to you
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. Oh yeah Kinzi - just wanted to say you make me proud cuz you are very popular lately. Those followers should leave a message for you on your Blog sometime.
