Saturday, January 16, 2010

Vroom Vroom!!

Mommy got a new car today!! It's a pretty maroon mini-van. Mommy says she's appalled that she's driving a soccer mom car, but that it made the most sense. Now there's room for all the dog/cat junk she was hauling around in her trunk, plus it's low enough to the ground that the senior doggies don't have to be lifted in and out like they would if she had gotten a SUV. I can't wait to ride in it...although that usually means a trip to the vet so maybe I shouldn't be in such a hurry. I'll just look at it out the window and enjoy it from a distance.

I need to thank Mommy's friends, Kim and Dennis, for loaning her their extra vehicle for the last 2 weeks. Dennis has also helped Mommy in her search for a new car and went with her to test drive the one she ended up getting. He knows alot of junk about cars. Kim owns her own's the Bearden Soap Shoppe. Her soaps smell really good! You might run into her sometime if you go to some of the bigger craft shows in the area.

On another is a big football day here. Kurt Warner is on at 4 and the Colts are on at 8. If they don't win, at least mommy has a few days to recover before she has to go to work. Last weeks Arizona game was a nail biter...wasn't sure Mommy was going to survive. I hope it's not so bad this week.

Gadget has joined me...he's sitting here trying to tell me what to say. I'm a control freak and won't let him type himself, even tho he keeps trying. He can't spell as well as me, tho...and he types stuff like lou76y and 1253+68-. What the heck does that even mean???? He better go back to kitty kindergarten if he wants to type to you...or just tell me what he wants to say. He told me he wants to write that he would like a new home where someone will brush him alot. Mommy's friends, Josh and Kara, sent her a fancy gizmo called a Furminator and I think Gadget wants to marry it! I think he'd let Mommy brush him till he's bald! Less dogs would make him happy, too. I told him he's better off writing this stuff on Petfinder, not the blog...but he'll have to learn to talk to Mommy if he wants his own words put on there. Mommy won't let me post on Petfinder...she's afraid I might get carried away, or change Herbie's bio to say that he's got rabies so nobody will want to adopt him. Now come I seem like the kind of girl who would pull a stunt like that????



  1. Hey Kinzi, just a rumor I heard but if things get sticky with the Colts game, you Mom goes into overdrive - cleaning the house and anything else that gets in her way. If I were you I would hide under the bed NOW so she does clean your bum again!

    Cover your ears and hang on for the ride. At least that is what I'm going to be doing tonight.


    Love Winston

  2. Hi Kinzi

    Yea for Mom and the new car. Maybe she will take you for a fun ride around the block. I am happy she has such good friends to help her out when she needs that extra hand. That is great! Sounds like Gadget is ready for a new furever home. Kinzi, did your Mommy brush you with the Furminator - my 2 cats like it a lot and figures, the long haired one doesn't want it at all. I sure hope the Colts win for your Mom.
    Have a great evening
    Hugs and cuddles
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
