Monday, January 11, 2010

I hate Mondays!

Last night I snuck downstairs to visit with Frannie. She was telling me how she was very tired from all the forced feedings and fluids that Mommy and her friends have been giving her, and that she wasn't sure she was up to having a feeding tube put in today. She told me she thought she'd like to go to a place called the Rainbow Bridge, but was worried about how sad Mommy would be if she did. I told her that we'd all be very sad to see her go, but that if she was really tired and felt it was the right time, that Mommy would be OK with it. Everyone who has ever loved a pet understands that eventually the time comes when you have to say good-bye.

So, this morning, when Mommy went downstairs to feed Frannie, she could tell right away that it was time. She cradled Frannie in her arms and snuggled her, and told her that it was OK if she was ready to go. Frannie looked very peaceful in Mommy's arms as she took a deep breath and then drifted off, heading for the place where animals are no longer sick or weak. Mommy was able to let her know that she was loved.

Right now, Frannie is probably chasing a laser light or playing with a big catnip banana like the ones we have here. I bet she really likes those, since her nickname was Frannie Bananie!

Mommy is very sad, but she also knows that Frannie was very sick, and she's relieved that she's not suffering anymore.

I hafta go, Mommy needs a tissue...again.


P.S. Frannie, if they have cookies and pizza up there in kitty heaven...could you please drop some down here for me?


  1. Kinzi, take care of mommy. Give her lots of hugs today (tell your Herbie to, also). Gotta go....I need a tissue.

  2. Kinzi,
    I'm crying as I read this. Frannie is for sure across the Rainbow Bridge, no longer in pain.


  3. I'm so sorry to read this. I was really pulling for Frannie.

    I'm crying as I read this because I helped one of my cats through fatty liver disease (feeding tube and all) and I know what an emotional roller coaster this can be. Please take care.

  4. Aww Kinzi - I am also teary about sweet Frannie but we know she is happy now and not feeling sick and having to have all those pokes and stuff. Kinzi, be sure to cuddle with your Mommy cuz she needs some extra love and cuddles now. I am glad that she was able to go over Rainbow Bridge in your Mommy's arms and she knew that she was loved even though it was very hard on your Mommy.
    I love you Sweet Kinzi
    Sandy/Fluff - WAC

  5. Oh Kinzi, we are so sorry to hear about Frannie. Take comfort in knowing she was surrounded by the ones who cared for her. Her last days were surely some of her best. It is hard for us humans to understand what animals know best - and when they know they are safe to leave us.

    Keep up the hard work on the diet - it if doesn't work check out the green bean diet Winston has tried. Don't know if that works for cats or not.

