Sunday, January 31, 2010

No more toys???

Mommy says I don't get any new toys for a while because she had to buy a little hand-held carpet cleaner. She was worried she's wrecking the carpet in my room by steam cleaning it every day where I make a mess. With the little one, she can just clean the tiny spots. I admit to making a mess...but why do I have to suffer without new toys??? I better start working I can get to the point where I can clean myself...cuz I don't think I can tolerate not having any new toys!

Mommy is so mean to me...if I wrote a book it would make "Mommy Dearest" look like a comedy.


1 comment:

  1. Awww Kinzi, don't worry, your Mommy will forget about the no new toys thing next time she goes to Petsmart and sees something you would like. Hope your day was good.
    Love and hugs
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
