Friday, October 8, 2010 least it's not a pesky beagle!

It's a Quaker! Mommy and Daddy have adopted a bird from a birdy rescue. They had to get approved and have a home visit and everything, just like when Mommy adopts out dogs. All us kids were on our best behavior....except for Abby who tried to eat the 3 yr old little boy that came along on the home visit. Mommy would have had a hard time explaining that to the police!

These kinds of birds are rumored to be loud...but Mommy says that's what everyone says about beagles, too...and she proves them wrong. The biggest problem is that Quakers can learn to talk and Daddy says that Mommy is going to have to put duct tape over her mouth when we watch football or else the birds first word will be "#@$#&*$!@&%!"

The rescue lady thinks the bird is a girl, but nobody knows for sure so I suspect a vet visit with a blood test is in the near future. The current name is Dixie, but Mommy says if it's really a boy, he shouldn't have to go through life with a girls name. Dixie is probably 6-8 years old and she's had a rough life so far. This is at least the 5th place she's called home, including 2 foster homes. The last home that had her let other birds beat her up and she's missing a few toes. She gets around OK but her cage has a few flat perches so she can rest if her feet get tired. She's settling in fine and already had some food and played with her bell toy.


Mommy also says I have to say "GO SPARTANS!!!"...even tho I don't even know what that means.


  1. It is better than a beagle - wait until Steve sees that - he will be jeolous. Glad to hear everyone passed (except for Abby). If she is a he should he be called Peyton?

  2. Aww Kinzi, Dixie is beautiful and I hope it all works out well. I had two Cockatiels for 18+ years and the female mate died 2 weeks ago. The male, Spike, a gray and white Cockatiel, has become much more noisy and extremely talkative. Both were also rescue birds from very bad home lives - Spike from a young girl who got tired of him and ignored him for months until her mother gave him to me. The female was called Hector. Hector was a lovely yellow Cockatiel that was brought home from Kentucky from a cold dark apartment where she lived in a small parakeet cage that was full of dirty food, poop and green water. She was sickly and we were not sure she would make it home in the snow storm we drove through that winter. She was an adult and they did not know how old she was so she was probably well into her 20s when she died. We were told Hector was a boy and that following Christmas day Hector laid eggs and we found out Hector was a girl. We still called her Hector because we never told her Hector was a boys name and neither did Spike because he loved his girl and we did not want to embarrass her. She was a good birdy and I miss her and so does her boy Spike. Spike is probably close to his 20s, or over, as he was an adult when we got him and they had been together over 18 years. Good luck with Dixie but be prepared for a long life. I wonder if in time Dixie would like a mate? Here is a good article for these birds.

  3. Im not normally a bird fan but this one is CUTE:) Peyton's a unisex name... Spartans rock:)
