Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bring on the Cadbury eggs...

Well...the Colts are done. And I'm giving the evil eye to the guy on defense (that I'm sure needs protection from all the Indy fans who would like to get their hands on him today!) who roughed the kicker from the Jets and gave them a first down instead of giving the Colts the's all over. Mommy handled herself rather well, I thought...but the truth is that she's also got it bad for one of the guys on the Jets. His initials are LT and he had a very good game last night which helped ease the pain for Mommy. So, I think for the rest of the season we have to be Jets fans. Kind of unusual around here as Mommy usually only likes teams with animal names...but hell hath no fury like a woman scorned so I'm certainly not going to bring it up to her! Just keep the Cadbury egg supply coming!!!!!!!!!



  1. Oh yes Kinzi, it is a dark dark day here in Fort Wayne (Good thing the sun in shining and we can lay in the sn beams). At least we stil have da Bears cause we too like animal names.

    Keep warm and keep those Cadbury eggs a coming.

    Love Winston

  2. Yikes! I'd hate to be that guy;) Hope you guys are staying warm over there!
