Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's almost bikini time!!!

Look! I almost have a waistline! What color bikini should I get? I look awfully cute on this blue rug...but a green one might bring out my eyes...

So...George got adopted that leaves just me and Jillian as foster cats here. I don't know what Mommy's deal is but she better get some boys in here QUICK!! I did not sign up for an all girls foster home and I will request a transfer if I have to!!!!!!!! I know where Loki is living and I'll call a taxi to take me there!!



  1. Hi Pretty Girl - If I could whistle I would do it at your picture. You know, I think a pretty pink bikini would be perfect for you. pink goes with your pretty white and black fur. Hope you get a boy cat in their soon. I miss Loki a whole lot but glad he has a home but he would love you. If I can talk to Dimitri and tell him to straighten out maybe he would work. He needs a home and a warm lap like your Mommy has. He is just sad at the shelter. Take care and hope to see you new bikini picture soon.
    Hugs to you
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. Kinzi, You're going to be cute in any color!
    Love ya,
    -Mary2 and Slade
