Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm wasting away!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mommy was so upset after losing Beau last night that she decided to traumatize me by making me get on the scale. Well...guess what!?!?! I've lost weight!!! I'm down to 18.2 pounds! NOW can I have some pizza???????

Mommy just came home she's covered with foreign cat hair...so I know she's been at the pound kitty shopping again. She fessed up and told me about all the boys there. She also told me about all the Timbits that were there...but did she bring one home for me??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



  1. Kinzi,
    With a weight loss like that, you should be proud of yourself, not trying to raid the snack box;)

  2. Kinzi, Hey pretty skinny girl - just in time for bikini season. You sure are looking good and I am so proud of you and your Mommy. All those boys at the shelter will be rolling their eyes at you if your Mom brings one home. Did she tell you about Dimitri or did she see him? He is one handsome cat. I think you deserve a little celebration and some special treats.
    Love you
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
