Monday, May 31, 2010

I'm moving to Alaska!

The air conditioner here is dead so I have to spend all day laying belly up in front of the floor fan. Mommy has to call a repair man to come look at it. There goes more of my catnip fund out the door. I told Mommy to get a firstgiving page to help the A/C with it's surgery but she said that's not allowed. Too bad!

Casey finally came out of the basement...he sure is a snuggle-butt. He's hogging the sofa and Mommy's lap!



  1. You will be okay Pretty Girl, I don't have an AC either but it isn't so bad if you sit still in front of the fan when it gets hot.

  2. That stinks about the ac:( I have an extra fan if your mom needs one! Also, If she can't provide catnip, I will bring some next time I see her:)
