Sunday, April 25, 2010

...there goes another one!

Buster, the 15 year old orange kitty, has been adopted! His new brother is a 17 yr old gray tabby. (I bet he's cute, too!) It's so nice that someone was willing to give a good home to such an old cat. He was a good one....probably a little too old for a gal like me, anyway.

So...wonder if Mommy will go cat shopping this week to get me a new man?!?!?!?

Kim went home today. She and Mommy did alot of shopping...but did I get a new bowl? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! All I got were a few cans of food. Hmmph!



  1. Food is good - believe me. I'll trade anything for food. It is rainy here and I am still on "quiet time" for about another week then watch out. I feel so good I'm ready to run and jump.

    Have a good week Kinzi and maybe we can put away the snow shovel.


  2. Food is better than nothing;) My cats love to try to eat our people food right off of our plates, no matter how many times we scold them off the table. Any advice, Kinzi?
