Saturday, April 10, 2010

Does this look like a sexy boy kitty to you???

I didn't think so!!!!!!!! Gotta admit, tho...she's a pretty nice dog. She's got a Basset Hound body and a beagle head. Her name is Honey. She's had a rough go of it...apparently the people who turned her into the pound had 7 other dogs who used to beat up on poor Honey. I guess their logic was give up the nice dog and keep the 7 mean ones? Anyway...their loss is our gain because she's a gem!

She does have alot of missing fur and scars on her backside, apparently where other dogs bit her, and she's got some nasty gashes/scabs on her chest. Even after going through all that, she's friendly and loves the other dogs here. Her belly is pretty saggy so it's obvious she's had a few litters of pups. I'm sure Shelter to Home will get her fixed up and shipped off to a new home soon! Maybe THEN we can get some more sexy boy cats!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kinzi, I know, you were hoping for a boyfriend but your Mom brought Honey home to you. I tried, I did show Demetri to your Mom and he would surely be a good boyfriend for you cuz he is black and white like you and is a big 17 pounder and 4 paw declawed also but Honey need a home now. Maybe next time your Mom comes to the shelter she will pick Demetri for your boyfriend. His cage is really too small for him but since the accident with that car that took out 7 of our cages this is the best we can do right now. He is a really nice kitty and is kinda talkative. I am glad that Honey was rescued and will have a much better life than she had before. She will surely find a loving home and family. Your Mom will see to that. Have a good day pretty girl and talk to you later.
    Hugs to you
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
