Monday, April 5, 2010

Holy Remodeling Project, Batman!

Today some lady drove her car right through the wall at the Wyandotte pound! Two cats got tumbled around and their cages were crushed, but they were not injured. Nobody can figure out why they weren't...cuz if you could see the cages you wouldn't believe it. The new floor at the pound got ruined and will have to be re-done, and the washer and dryer got smashed up, so they will need new ones. Lots of the good cages got damaged, too. What a shame. It broke the garage door and took out a few feet of the cinder block wall, too! I don't know what she was thinking...maybe she thought it was a drive thru pound and rather than use the front door, you just plow through to get what you want.

Mommy and I are very glad none of our friends at the shelter were hurt!



  1. Thank you Kinzi and Phyllis! We are super grateful that no one was injured either! Patches and Gypsy took it full on! That was so scary. Thank you to the Shelter To Home Crew who showed up in a pinch to make sure every thing was okay. We love Shelter to Home's Volunteers!!!

  2. Kinzi, sorry I have neglected you lately. I had surgery on my knee and can't get on the furniture so I can't type on the computer. I have a torn ACL (like the football players). I got sent to the vet 1 1/2 weeks ago and my life has not been the same. I am now on a green bean diet - not too bad but Molly girl gets the green beans too and she loves them. I had to take 2 pills and I HATED the green pills (there are some things I don't eat). I'm done with those for now but I have this terrible stuff that mom squirts in my mouth. Have to be aware at all times.

    I'm not allowed to go up steps or on the furniture or run or jump or anything but lay on the dog pillow. I'm going to have to start beagle physical therapy on my knee (who knew) soon so it doesn't get stiff. I am ready to run and play but boy it is hard on 3 legs.

    I am trying to keep up with your posts but it is hard when I have to read and type from the floor. The stiches come out on Saturday (if they can drag me into the vet's office - not very likely -- I know what goes on there!)

    Just keep up the good work and maybe you will need to house a couple of those cats that don't have cages yet.



  3. Dear Kinzi, We are all so grateful and thankful that no humans or animals were injured, or worse, at the shelter. You know the chair I always sit in there at the garage door while I hold and/or groom the cats was completly destroyed and was mashed up against the dryer. Also, had it been a little while later Lois would have been standing at the dryer or sitting in the chair beside me grooming a cat. So very scary and we are all happy that it was not as tragic as it could have been. We know that poor Patches and Gypsy really got the worst of it with their cages smashed in almost flat. We are all grateful - things can be replaced and fixed but people and animals can't be replaced and sometimes not fixed very well. We are also grateful that Shelter To Home came to our rescue and came to lend a hand or at least come by to make sure everything and everyone was okay. We are all still pretty shook up over the event. It will take time to relax and get things back in order. We did lose some of our new cages so those will have to be replaced. The laundry will have to be taken out once again to be done by volunteers but that will all work out also. Have a great day my pretty girl. I hope Winston will be feeling better soon with his knee surgery.
    Love you
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
