Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We have another addict on our hands...

That's right, folks...another kitty has succumbed to the addictive powers of the almighty catnip banana. I think that thing could knock out King Kong. Poor Buster...he was so out of it he didn't even know that Mommy took about 15 pictures of him AND A VIDEO. She put the video on his Petfinder posting. How embarrassing for him. I hope he never finds out!

Buster is a very good boy. He likes to come into my room and use my potty. He's very neat in his potty habits, so I don't mind. If he were human, he'd be the kind of man who remembers to put the seat down.



  1. Kinzi, you are so sweet to let Buster in your room, play with your toys and use your potty. It sure sounds like love to me pretty girl. He sure is handsome and you two make a very nice looking couple.
    Love and hugs
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. Rumor has it you will have another Orange and White Man in your life;) You went from Herbie, Mr. Hard-to-get to having TWO suitors.... Good luck:)
