Saturday, February 27, 2010

Look at those manners!

This is Gordon the beagle. He lives in Ohio with Mommy's friends. He must have known there was a camera on him...cuz any other time, I'm guessing a beagle would walk right on the table and go steal that lady's lunch right out of her hands! That's what happens to ME when I'm trying to eat here.

Gordon goes to work with his daddy every day. Back in September he got really sick and was diagnosed with some icky form of terminal cancer. At the time, it wasn't looking too good for Gordon, but his Mommy did a bunch of research and has been making his food and she's using a bunch of herbal supplements and stuff...and just look at him! Does he look like a sick doggy to you??? He's doing so well that now Mommy has one of the dogs here on alot of the same stuff Gordon takes. I know I complain about the pesky beagles, but I sure hope the medicine works.

We had a big event this week...Miss Jillian A. Purrbottom finally came out of the basement and explored upstairs! It sure took her a long time to realize the dogs wouldn't hurt her. I could have told her that they only want her dinner...but she never asked me.


PS...Winston, if you send me your picture, I'll put you on my blog, too!


  1. Hi Kinzi

    It is good to hear about Gordon doing so well. He sure does look good. He has a very smart and loving Mommy and Daddy and I am happy to hear that. I am also happy to hear that Miss Jillian came out of the basement. I hope you will be good friends with her and teach her all about being a good kitty. Take care pretty girl and sending you lots of love
    your friend
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. I'm sure with your loving patience and guidance, Jillian will come around! Just make sure you tell her to keep her paws off of your man;)
    Have a wonderful week full of good days.
    -Love Mary 2 and Slade

  3. Yay! I'm so happy to see Gordon is doing well. Great picture of him, too!
