Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Got my workout today!

See this stool? I got up here all by myself! It's really the step stool for the dog, but it makes a perfect throne for me, don't you think?? All that's missing is a crown full of jewels, but Mommy says that it would distract from my giant eyeballs. Hmmm...I can't tell if she was poking fun at me with that comment or not.

Mommy got a letter from Gadget's new mommy. He's doing really well and just loves his new daddy. I guess Penelope is still being a little sassy about having him there...and she must be nuts! Gadget is super sexy! Any girl who isn't thrilled to have a man like that all to herself must be crazy. I'm sure she'll come to her senses at some point.

Mommy says I need to get off the computer so she can use it. She's been kinda cranky since football season ended (so badly). She says all that's on now is the stupid Olympics so she's been amusing herself by watching a show called the Super Nanny. She says it's fun to watch people with demonic children suffering....and that it makes the beagles here look like angels. I reminded her that there's a show called the Dog Whisperer for people who have dogs who are demons...but she didn't want to hear any of that. I'd like to make a note here that, to my knowledge, there aren't any TV shows about demonic cats.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Beauty Kinzi, you sure look good up there on your thrown. I think you need a crown also.

    I am sure that Gadget will be well and Penelope will come around in time.

    Kinzi, I never understood football but I do love the Olympics. You should watch them some time.
    Have a great weekend Kinzi
    Love and hugs
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
