Friday, October 22, 2010

We will miss you, Bubby

Last night Quincy lost his 2 month battle with *#%)#($*)@(#@!!~! cancer. (Mommy gave me special permission to use bad language in my post today due to special circumstances!) Mommy is a wreck so we might need to order a case of Kleenex to be delivered.

Mommy told me the story of how Quincy got here. He was a foster dog back in 2003 and when Mommy got him, he weighed about 13 pounds and had horrible heartworm. He was skinny because he had hookworms. It wasn't long before they knew they had to adopt him. Quincy has always been the snuggly Momma's boy, so now that he's gone maybe I can finally get my well-deserved lap time! I got some last night cuz I saw Mommy crying so I went to her and told her I was sorry she was so sad so I got lots of lovies. I was a little soggy afterwards but it was worth it.

Things are sad around here, but we're all doing OK. All of you are pet lovers and know what we are going through. Thanks for thinking of us.



  1. Kinzi, we all feel for your loss. Quincy was one lucky guy - he had the best possible home for the last 7 years. We are shedding tears here also for your buddy. We have plenty of Kleenex down here in Indiana if Michigan runs out.

    Tell Mom to hang in there and give all the others a special hug tonight for me. Quincy will be waiting for her at the rainbow bridge.


  2. Awwww Gee Kinzi, I am so sorry about sweet Quincy. We know that he will be waiting over Rainbow Bridge and feeling good when we see him again. Give your Mommy and extra hug from me cuz we sure know what she is going through. Stay extra close to her Pretty Girl cuz she sure needs some extra cuddles and hugs for a while. Quincy was one lucky doggie and he had a loving and happy home for his last years. Love you sweet Kinzi
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  3. Oh! Poor Quincy was one of the few beagles I liked! He was always a gentleman when he stopped into the pound with your mommy. RIP Sweet boy:( Tell your mom when she needs us, we are all here for her.

  4. Awwww very sorry to hear about Quincy! I know Mommy did her very best to save him.

    Thank goodness for Mommies/foster Mommies like your Mommy Kinzi. They give us a 2nd chance at a happy life so that while we are here, we can run around holding our tails up high because we know we are loved.

    Hi to everyone...sounds like a zoo over there!

    Love, sniffs and licks...

    P.S. My human sister is going to send you some photos of me at my new Mommy's birthday party...we had a blast! Well...errr...I slept through part of it...but whatever!
