Saturday, October 30, 2010

Awww...look at the new baby kitty!

Hey...somethings fishy with this new kitty! First off...I know Mommy would NEVER bring a baby kitty into this house. Second...this black kitty is laying on a light colored blankie and there appears to be no shedding going on. What's that?!?....Ohhhhhhhhhhh...Mommy just informed me this isn't a baby's a baby named Kady dressed up like a baby kitty. Boy, say that fast 5 times!

Baby Kitty Kady is the granddaughter of Mommy's friend, Teresa. I would like to thank Kady for dressing up for Halloween so that this year Mommy didn't humiliate ME with a costume!

Happy Halloween, everyone! Now where's my candy!?!?!?



  1. Cute Baby Kady Kitty Kinzi - Yikes to many K words there ha ha! Happy Holloween pretty girl and hope you get your special candy for Halloween.
    Love you
    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. How cute is Baby Kady? What a sweetheart:) Still though, nothing like being loved by the real things:) Cats are so special:)
    Happy Halloween guys. Hope You get a chance to sneak some candy. Slade said he'd be willing to share his:)
