Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Is this really necessary? The whole world knows I'm on a diet...but do we need photographic evidence?

As if this wasn't bad enough...I also got my backside shaved, a bath, and a big poke in the but with a needle!!!!!!!!! Apparently the Dr. thinks maybe I have food allergies and that might be why my personal hygiene isn't the greatest. It looks like there's a new food in my future. I saw the bag...it doesn't say anything about fresh fish or turkey or anything I know I like! Plus...it's dry kibble!!!!!!!!!!! I've never had dry food since I got to this house...I've worked hard on my diet and now my reward is icky kibble?

Mommy says it won't do me any good to run away from home because anyone who loves me would take care of me and also make me eat the icky kibble. Is that true??? How did Garfield get lucky enough to have an owner who gives him lasagna???



  1. Hey Kinzi, your ole buddy Winston here. I have been real busy this summer - just waiting for the buffet to open. We have bunches of green tomatoes -I just need to wait for the right minute to grab them off and eat all I want. They did put up a fence but I bet if I reach on my tippy toenails I can snag one or two. Seems like you have a lot of new friends there. Let me tell you I love Honey. She looks like the best best friend a cat could have. I especially love her laughing at your new name sushi breath! Sorry I haven't written in a while but it has been real busy with it being summer and all. My knee is doing well and I can get around pretty good now. The stairs at the lake still bother me so I wait for my personal elevator to get me to the top. Talk to you soon and if you can send some of that rain down here for my tomatoes.

    Love Winston

  2. Hey Winston! My mommy wants me to ask you to please have your mommy send my mommy an email. When the computer virus hit, she lost her email address and she wants to write to her. Also...you're welcome to come here and flirt with Honey so she is distracted and STAYS OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!! She's no best friend of mine...although we do have another critter hanging out in the back yard that she seems to be pretty good at scaring off...so we may keep her around just for that. She also catches flies in the house and eats them! You want to kiss her now??? Kinzi

  3. Hi Pretty Kinzi, good going with your diet. Looks like you are till doing a terrific job. The kibble might not be so bad but maybe your Mom will give you are canned food treat now and then. She loves you and knows you like that special wet food. You have a good weekend and talk to you soon.

    Sandy/Fluff WAC
