Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another home invasion!

Two of the pesky beagles have figured out how to break into my room again. Mommy had to make the door even smaller so now I have to crunch myself wayyyyyyyyyyy down low to fit through the tiny hole. It's like being one of those freaky contortionist people who can bend over backwards and tie themselves into a pretzel shape. I'm thinking I could audition on America's Got Talent...I'm way more talented than some of the freaks they let on that show! I can inhale a can of food, smack a beagle upside the head, and fit into a tiny hole all at the same time! I bet people would call in and vote for me! Just imagine all the food and catnip I could buy with all that money!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. LOL, Freaks is a good word for some of those people. Those Beagles need to know their role in the house. Glad you know how to show them!
    Happy Canada Day, Kinzi.

  2. Ahh Kinzi, you amaze me with all you can do. You are terrific and would surely beet out all of those who compete. Good Job Kinzi Girl
