Sunday, December 27, 2009

Welcome to the fat farm, Frannie!

Mommy pulled Frannie from the pound today. The ladies at the Wyandotte shelter have been taking care of her for 2 months. Her fur is a mess and she clearly hasn't been brushing and flossing regularly. She's living in my old apartment in the basement, next to the bunnies, until Mommy is sure she's eating well.

It's been a busy weekend around here. Kippie the beagle was adopted by the same AWESOME family that adopted Wishbone, the deaf beagle. Gerti, the calico, was adopted by a very nice older lady, the perfect home for a cat who's terrified of loud noises and fast movements. Her new mommy already sent us an email saying that Gerti isn't hiding and she's on her lap for lovies. Both of those girls hit the jackpot!

As for Christmas, I got some good healthy snacks, and Santa brought us this big round thing with a ball in it that is impossible to ever catch. Gadget and Herbie play with it, clearly they aren't bright enough to figure out that they'll never get the ball. I'm too smart for that! Nice try, Santa! You want me to get off my butt and exercise??? Maybe you should have delivered one of those machines that shoots tennis balls but has been rigged to throw food....cuz I'd get off my butt for that!

I'm back to getting daily fun...but I feel better. Mommy's getting pretty good at it so the torture only lasts about 3 minutes. I like that I get dried off with fresh towels that smell like fabric it's not all bad.

Hope Santa was good to all of you! He brought Mommy a new Daddy and Mommy need to rearrange the basement to make room for it. Then I'll have a nice new place to sit when I type my blog.



  1. Hi Sweet Kinzi
    I am happy to see Frannie staying at your house now. She is very nice and needs lots of TLC. that is a nice picture of her also. Sounds like you all had a very nice Christmas and those that got their new forever homes sound like they did pretty well. I am happy that you got some new treats from Santo. He is a good old boy you know. Good for Mom getting her new desk. Take care pretty girl and have a good day
    Your forever friend
    Sandy/fluff WAC

  2. Hey Phyl! Kinzi is looking great. I'm available for bathing assistance anytime. I've also got some baby bath soap I can give you. I'll have a look. I know it's here somewhere.

  3. Good grief Kinzi, I call that progress - if someone takes your old place that means you are moving up. Glad to hear that your friends found their forever homes at Christmas time. Those Dear Santa letters do it every time - believe me.

    Keep up the good work - now that New Years is coming we can again put on our list that we are going to loose weight this year.

    I had my friend Baxter over at Christmas and after he left my bones and muscles weren't the same. I cramped up all night and had to have massages just so I could walk. I know it is my age not my weight causing that problem, but I love to play with Baxter so much it is worth the pain involved.

    Stay safe and have a Happy New Year.

