Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh boy...here we go again...

My sweetie, Herbie, has a new best friend. He's had alot of friends this year...and they have all been adopted but he's still here. He gets along with everyone, so it's easy for him to make friends when Mommy brings home a new cat. Now his new buddy is Gadget. I wonder how long before Gadget gets adopted and Herbie is sad again. I sure wish Herbie would snuggle with me like that, but let's face facts...my big ol' behind isn't gonna fit in that bed...and if you did get me in there, you'd need the jaws of life to get me out.

We had a break from making cards tonight. After Mommy got done cleaning up all the cat puke that was on the table, she said she lost her motivation. Thank goodness none of it got on all the stamps we made and colored last night...that might have driven Mommy to drink! Mommy says she's having a mental block. She can't figure out how to do the cards. I told her I'm ready to do my part and slap my inky paw on 'em when she's done, but I can't do that till she figures out what she's going to do with them.

Oh ya...I'm a mess again and as soon as I'm done writing this I have to have another stupid bath. It's just me and Mommy tonight so it will be interesting to see which one of us is wetter when we're done! Dr. Dickie says some of her patients with arthritis are having problems since the weather got colder, but she's not sure if that's why I'm doing so poorly or not. So...my meds are getting raised again...this time to 7.5 mg. Mommy says if I don't stop pooping on myself she's going to start throwing me in the washing machine with my poopy blankie. I know she's just kidding....right? Isn't there something in the Shelter to Home foster agreement that says you can't launder your foster cats??? Rhonda?? Lori?? Brenda?? Shelley?? Jean...someone??? If you come over here and I'm smelling like Downy...I want a full investigation!!!



  1. Hi Kinzi Pretty Girl - good to hear from you. That is a cute picture of Herbie and Gadget. Herbie is a good kitty and one day he will be adopted to his forever home just like you will some day. I am sorry you are not doing so well and feeling poopy. Dr. Dickie is probably right about the arthritis and the cold weather cuz my knees are killing me also. Sounds like you had some fun making cards with your Mommy. You will probably get to help her finish them up later. Don't worry sweetie, Mom won't throw you in the washer. She is too good to do that. You take care Kinzi girl and hope the increase in your meds will get you back feeling good again. Talk to you soon.
    Love and hugs
    Your friend

  2. That is such a cute picture of Gadget and Herbie!

    I'm sorry you've had a setback Kinzi. I hope you start feeling better soon and give your mommy a break and start using the litterbox...


  3. I echo Jill on that! BUT, Give me a call if you need help with cards. I scrap book all the time and might have some stickers and things you could use;)
