Sunday, February 20, 2011

Well...we tried it!

We watched the Daytona 500 today...not the whole thing, but about the last 90 minutes. Mommy learned to appreciate that some of the cars are delicious things like M&M's, Taco Bell, and Cheerios. She liked the Aflac car because she loves the cute Duck in their commercials. There were some good wrecks and lots of carnage which made Mommy happy. I did hear her complaining tho, that the Dodge cars say Charger on them but in no way resemble an awesome Charger. That is false advertising!


1 comment:

  1. LOL, Your mom is a braver woman than I. I don't have the attention span for racing! Too many loops and I get motion sick just watching them circle the track. Hope you guys are tucked in tonight. its cold outside:(
