Sunday, January 16, 2011

Guess who went ice fishing...

That crazy beagle, Honey! I don't know what she was thinking! I mean, she's lived here for MONTHS and knows darn well there's a pond in the garden....yet she trotted right outside, past Mommy, over the fence into the garden and plop, right through the ice and into the water. I bet she scared the poor sleeping goldfish!

It got even funnier when Mommy told her she had to have a bath cuz Mommy didn't want a dog smelling like fish poop to be sleeping in her bed.



  1. Awww Kinzi, poor Honey probably got pretty cold. You are right about scaring those sleeping goldfish. Hope they get back to sleep pretty quick. Have a great week pretty girls,

    Hugs to you

    Sandy/Fluff WAC

  2. Aww Poor Honey girl:) How is her mommy doing? Was she the one that was in the hospital?
    Hope you get some cadbury eggs soon:)

  3. Brrr poor Honey. Bet she was shocked that she couldn't walk on water!
