Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We lost a local celebrity today.

Remember when I lived downstairs and I had 2 bunnies for neighbors? Well, Alvin went to the Rainbow Bridge today. Recently his potty habits had gotten so bad that Mommy said he was a bigger mess than I ever was! (that's pretty bad!) The vet checked him out and said that he had bad arthritis in his back legs and he wasn't able to lift his rear end high enough to go potty without making a big mess. He was 7 1/2 years old which is pretty good for a bunny. He'd been living here since 2004. Rumor has it that he's bitten alot of pesky beagles over the years so he was kind of my hero.

We call him our local celebrity because this photo was featured in a book called "Hopeful Tails" back in 2007. That year Mommy bought a copy for just about everyone on her Christmas list.

Too bad I wasn't here in 2007 cuz I could have filled a book like that just with cute pictures of me! There could have been an entire chapter about my bowl collection. We are all very sad that Alvin is gone, but Jillian and I are just waiting for Lehana to hog the computer so she can go on Petfinder and look for a new husbun. I'm sure she's going to miss having someone to snuggle with and groom behind her ears.



  1. Poor thing. RIP Adorable bunny:( Lehana might not have to look that far.... We were contacted about a bunny give up today...

  2. Kinzi and Phyllis,
    Sorry to hear about your loss of Alvin :(

    He is at the Rainbow Bridge with Frannie.

    Take Care,

  3. Awww, I am so sorry to hear about Alvin. We know that he is at Rainbow Bridge enjoying all the green things he can eat and no pain or troubles. I hope that your Mom can find another friend for Jillian. Take care pretty girl and give your Mommy some extra cuddles and loving tonight okay.
    Your friend
    Sandy/Fluff WAC
